Studio Eleven

Shh... don't tell our other clients... but Studio Eleven might just be our favorite project to date. Studio owners Elisa and Bri came to us before their doors even opened. Creating a new brand from scratch is every designer's dream, of course. Early tours of the Studio gave us the idea of incorporating pattern and texture into all of their brand elements. This project challenged us to combine bold and playful elements into a finished theme that was elegant and upscale. Enormous work went into replicating the rich color palette into a web and mobile-friendly format. Elisa and Bri were thrilled with what resulted ... as are we!

Visit Studio Eleven's Website

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Inspiration By Palette

Studio Eleven customers want to shop and view by color, but the names by themselves don't do the colors justice. The solution? We created a custom menu feature titled "Inspiration By Palette" allowing easy access to each color, in addition to a gorgeous view of the entire palette.

Conveying Warmth With Video

Studio Eleven products can be purchased and shipped worldwide, but Studio owners Elisa and Bri have also created an inviting space for shopping and attending workshops. We used a mini-commercial to convey their brand's personality.

Extending The Palette

Rather than present the color mixing options as flat swatches, we replicated the color charts created by hand for visitors to the Studio.

Engaging Galleries

Selected pieces and accessories are showcased using a gallery "wall" that can be expanded into larger images and detailed information on each piece.

Creative Copy

Wherever possible, we chose cheeky headlines that reinforce elements of the Studio Eleven brand while keeping a playful tone that customers enjoy.

Incorporating Texture and Patterns
The Studio Eleven experience includes a rich selection of textures and techniques which we extend to the website using background images. Look for these subtle enrichments throughout their website:
Not Just A Pretty Face
The perfect marriage of design and SEO


  • Bold Typography
    Each color's name was carefully chosen to evoke a distinct style or region. We present the names as a primary page feature using slight embossing for the typography.
  • Image Framing
    Literally! Each color's page is anchored by an image of a finished piece framed as if in a scrapbook.
  • Context
    Color descriptions are kept relatively short, but the text is enough to give it personality with keywords sprinkled in for SEO optimization.
  • Source-Ordered Columns
    A highly complex mainbody layout scenario can conflict with SEO efforts. Our custom coding ensures that search engines zero in on the color description when indexing.
  • Conversion
    Interested browsers can easily be converted to customers with two calls to action: Buy and/or Attend A Workshop.
  • Complimentary Colors
    We answer this frequent question before its even asked, and link to the complimentary color's page.


More Features

Additional elements of our work for Studio Eleven include:

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