Our running commentary on the digital world, including tips, tricks and trends! We muse on design, development, apps, and more -- as well as offering case studies, real-world applications, and video tutorials.
Pinterest is also driving serious traffic for some major brands. It is now driving more traffic than Google+, LinkedIn and MySpace combined. That's #1, friends, but in case you need more convincing ...
Add More Info to Your Profile Pop-Up Window
If people hover over your avatar, they just find a few words of description. If you want to share more informations, just go to edit your profile, select the employment section, and in the first “Employer name” box, write the details you like to share. (Don´t forget to check the “current” box.) Whatever you have written should now appear when people hover over your avatar.
As of today, there are 59,300 Google results for the exact search phrase “email vs. social media.” Apparently it’s a hot topic and some people have declared war. It appears that the social-media mavens are already claiming victory by stating that “email is dead.”
The number of businesses using social networking, blogs and other Web 2.0 technology continues to increase, according to a survey by McKinsey & Co. More than 65% of respondents said they use Web 2.0, with social networking being the most popular technology, and 90% of those companies reported at least one measurable business benefit. How is your company using Web 2.0? (Or is it?)